Thursday, August 28, 2008


I can't remember anymore,
the days we spent together.
Not that i'm letting go,
but it's leaving me.
I thought i was close with.
I don't even know who you are anymore.
It's like,
we've never met,
and you just hate me,
for no apparent reason.

I abhor the day,
I fell in love with you.
At first i thought it was a blessing,
for me that is,
but it turned out be my curse,
my disaster.
I did not get your heart,
and furthermore,
we just fell apart,
without me even trying.
I just want to talk,
but courage,i find it no where.

look at this photograph.
Not for a single moment,
did i believe that the guy next to you,
was actually me.
Go ahead,
I've hurt too much
till i can't feel myself anymore.
That's what you do to me,
without even trying.
I'm trying to forget you.
But how can I?
when you are just there,
sitting in front of me,
ignoring my existance.

All these welled up emotions,
make me shudder.
I want to reach out for you,
but i think,
you're not pushing away.
more like,
i'm the one shrinking away.
I am not blaming you,
for i know,
it was and still is,
my fault.
Sorry's not good enough.

I guess,
to sum it all up,
our story...
wasn't a could've-been,
wasn't a should've-been,
but more like,
can-never-be and never-will-be.
Pessimist, i am.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

When Sun comes around

Rain was just doing his job,
Wind was just fooling around,
Cloud was just passing by,
bossing Rain around.

All that,
Sun was left behind,
shrouded by loneliness.
He kept his rays to himself.

Then the Hand that Wrote all Creation,
strolled about,
and saw Sun sulking alone.

'Well my dear Sun,why have you kept your rays to yourself?'

'I'm not allowed to play with Rain,Cloud or Wind,
They say if i come along,
i'd disrupt their fun.'

'You do not know if that is true,
neither do they.
Your rays are more important than you think'

Sun decided.
out he came,
dazzling and blinding,
warm and fiery,
His rays parted all that was about him,

Rain stopped,resting a while,
Cloud parted,for he was shy,
and Wind turned to Breeze,his brother.
Sun shone.

All was well.

This particular piece, although not my best, is dedicated to someone whom i truly treasure. May you find good fortune where ever you may fare.

I just got hit by inspiration. So, for those of you who visit this blog(thank you) , please be patient as i need to get the plot of my new story right.

A little hint: it's a love story. bwahaha. Predictable, i know.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Soul Forgotten

The auburn sky,
with wisps of thin milk clouds
The wind whispers
secrets of Nature.
He prances and dashes,
with not a care.
Fox chases his own
fluffy bushy tail.
A yelp.
The four legs
moving without a shadow,
under the shade
of the century old growth.
Fox runs and runs,
forsaken by his pack,
but He no longer minds,
He is the forgotten.
Fox runs.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Little Boy Part 3:Exodus

It's raining.
At least that is what
Little Boy think is happening.
Woe betide.

Little Boy has finally found a conclusion:
Time is a Devil.

Time flies past so fast
when you are basking in warm moments.
Time crawls like a prisoner binded with shackles
when you are drowning in grief.
Time is indeed evil.
It cackles at us,mortals.
That is what
Little Boy thinks.

He sums up his new aphorism:
Friends make a Man
or break Him.

On the flat,cold rock
Little Boy sits,haggard.
He likes to think
that he is missed,yearned.
He gazes up to the vast dark sky
blinking away the raindrops,
searching for a message bird,
hoping it would deliver him
a letter, a note,
he waits in vain.

The clouds part,laughing.
The night sky is unveiled,winking.
Still,not a single life form is seen.
Little Boy has run out of tears.
He rises,
his hands outstreched,eyes shut.
He listens to the whispers of the wind
straining to catch some faint murmur.
He is dreaming. Again.

Faint,unsteady footsteps.
Little Boy turns to see
Old Man hobbling towards him.
Little Boy stares,
Old Man smiles.

'So Little Boy,have you enjoyed your little trip to the Dark Realm?'

'I cannot go any further,i have not the will, nor the have the strength to go back.'

Old Man smiles ruefully
'Things can always be mended'

Little Boy recites his new aphorism to Old Man.
Old Man remains silent for a while,
then shakes his ancient head.

'What do you intend to do now?'

'What am i supposed to do?'

'What do you want now?'

'What do i want?'
Little Boy feels the old
misery rising like a tide.
He remembers vividly his dancing days
and most of allhis dancing friends...

'I want to go back,
but before that,
I want the courage to say,to speak
I want a chance
I want to stop all this self-brought grief
I want to make things right again.
Is that too much to ask?'

Then suddenly,
a dark blue raven,
perched on the spot
where the Old Man was standing,appeared.
It turned its handsome head,
and nodded,
It spreaded its wings
and took flight.

Little Boy watched it go,
at long last,smiling.
He knew,somehow,
the raven will bring
his heart to his friend.

Something snapped within him.
Little Boy stood,
and took a step,
not forward,but backward.
A step,a shuffle,a jog,a sprint

Little Boy,screaming his heart out,
finally begins his long run
back home.

Little Boy Part 2

Little Boy feels detached.
From everything.

He treads carelessly
down that path.
The noises that deafens all others,
he hears them not.
He is,after all,

Not only is he oblivious to his surroundings,
he does not even bother
with his physical well-being anymore.
Little Boy no longer feels.....anything at all.
His heart...
locked deep within his soul,
or it might've been lost,he knows not.
All he tastes nowis the bitter feelingof loss.

He tries to remember the Old Man's words.
He recalls them, vaguely.
But all he hears nowis the screeching regret
that ravages every fibre of his broken body.

'That's all i am now,'
Little Boy thought.
'A broken body
with a loss cause.'

He looks down at his own feet,
mildly surprised to see
his marvelous dancing feet
are so laden with cuts and wounds,
obtained by walking that jagged road.
He does a little jig,
but stops abruptly.

White hot pain.
Memories of old,
hits him hard in the guts,
racks him with undiluted guilt.
Little Boy drops,
tears of frustration,wells up.

How long Little Boy
sat there,
he can't even fanthom.
All he knowsthat it is too late
to turn back.
Turn back to the days of joy and dancing.
There is only one way to take.

to that deep abyss.

Little Boy Part 1

Once upon a time,
there lived Little Boy
in the Light Realm.
He loved to dance,
and danced where ever and everywhere he went.
He was so cheerful,so carefree,
and he danced like there was no tomorrow.

Little Boy did not dance alone,of course.
He had a ring of friends,
who danced with him.
He was happy to be able to dance with them
and vice versa.

But Little Boy had but one little flaw.
One day,while dancing,
he tripped a friend,
and the friend fell quite badly,
and could not dance again.

Little Boy did not even notice,
he just pranced around as usual,
leaving his friend crying on the floor.
His friend was offended, hurt, angry,
but most of all, disappointed.
The friend limped away,
and danced no more.

Soon,Little Boy had nearly almost 'tripped'
all his friends,and his little dancing circle
just got smaller and smaller,
until the day came,
when Little Boy looked around,
and saw he was alone.
Utterly alone.
He tried to dance as usual,
but no longer could he execute moves as fluidly
as he used to.
He no longer felt the joy in dancing,
for he now danced alone in silence,
that ringing silence.
Little Boy dropped to the floor,
and danced no more,
but began to weep in earnest.

Old Man hobbled along,
and saw Little Boy crying.

'Little Boy,Little Boy, why are you crying?'

Little Boy looked up and stared at Old Man
with doleful eyes.
'My friends have left me.
I hurt them, and i did not notice.
I hurt them, and i did not even apologize.
I hurt them, and now i'm all alone.'

Old Man smiled,
and sat down on the floor with Little Boy.

'Be brave Little Boy.Tomorrow's not too late to find them and tell them how sorry you are.'

To that,Little Boy said:
'But it's always too late when you have nothing.'

Throwing away his dancing shoes,
Little Boy drifted to the Dark Realm,
and kept his heart locked.
Never again did he dance or laugh.
His heart ached so badly,
yearned so desperately,
to seek his lost friends
and to make things up.
But his courage failed him,
he dare not look at his friends in the eyes.
Little Boy was angry at himself,
angry at his cowardice.

'What will i do?',
thought Little Boy.
He lifted his head,
and mourned at the moon.....



Welcome to my new story blog.

Name:Victor Goh
Age:just turned 17
From: Canada,but currently residing in Malaysia
Occupation: Student

Well, i'll be posting short stories(and then some) here written by yours truly. Please feel free to leave any comments or critisism. I'm open to all of them.

Your support is much needed and appreciated.

Thank You